COVID-19 Updates and Resources

Dear Neighbors,

In this uncertain time, our team is committed to doing our part to flatten the curve and slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus as advised by the Oregon Health Authority.

This has required changes in practices, from suspending door-knocking to postponing house parties. 

You can read more about what we are doing with that from campaign staff below.

To start, here are some links with up-to-date information about this coronavirus:

Centers for Disease Control

Oregon Health Authority

Local Resources:

Free meals for students in Salem-Keizer school district (also in Spanish)

Cascade School District Information

Central School District Information (also in Spanish)

Oregon Food Bank locator

Recommendations for the unsheltered

Recommendations for those who provide in-home care

COVID-19 materials in different languages

State Data and Policy Actions to Address Coronavirus

Nine States Reopen Healthcare Marketplaces

Recursos en español:

Prevencion/Prevention Flyer [PDF]

Propague hechos, no miedo/Spread Facts, not Fear [PDF]

Personas con riesgo/People at Risk [PDF]

Viajeros/Travelers [PDF]

COVID-19 datos/COVID-19 Fact Sheet [PDF]

Infographic [PDF]

Prevenir/Prevention [PDF]

Lo que debe saber sobre la prueba/What you Should know about Testing [PDF]

Distanclamiento/Social Distancing [PDF]

Los virus no discriminan/Viruses don’t Discriminate [PDF]

Prueba del COVID-19/Testing Basics [PDF]

If you're able, please sign up to help others in the area:

Google Doc

A Note from Campaign Staff:

It has only become more apparent that we need strong leaders like Deb who care about the well-being of others, and we need your help spreading that message in ways that don’t involve person-to-person contact! As always, we are so grateful for the support of our volunteers and we will need you to keep this momentum going.

First, we are switching completely from canvassing to phone banking. We’ll host a series of times where we all phone bank together remotely. We’ll have a script, a training, and some words from Deb beforehand—just like at any other event. More info about specific times will be posted very soon. If you would still like to call on your own and can’t make our event times, please email

We will also be doing virtual door-knocking! If you’re willing to reach out to your personal circles and neighbors in the district via social media and/or texting, let us know at and we’ll provide you with more details.

We’ll also be starting to distribute lawn signs soon, so please contact if you haven’t already let us know you would like one.

Lastly, we’ll be hosting a number of small virtual house parties throughout the next few weeks. If you’re interested in helping host a house party via video chat, contact for more details.

Let’s continue to check in on each other and do our parts to keep our community safe. Stay tuned for more information as the situation develops.


Malea Kirkland, Campaign Manager

Maddie Dohrer, Field Director