30 More Days

As we close in on the final month of the election, our team is ramping up our volunteer and fundraising efforts. We're in a really close race. My opponent is attacking my character. I am sticking to the issues and talking with voters but I need your help. So far, with your help, we have knocked on nearly 19,000doors, talked with nearly 5,000 voters, sent out over 2,000 postcards and made almost 1,500 phone calls to voters across Salem, Monmouth and Independence.

But with ballots being mailed out in 10 days, the clock is ticking on our chance to meet with voters and talk to them about why this race is so critical.

Right now, holding the gavel of the Senate Healthcare Committee is one of our best tools in keeping harmful anti-choice legislation from reaching the floor for a vote in Oregon. After the Dobbs decision turned over Roe v. Wade, hundreds of Republican candidates across the country scrubbed anti-choice language and endorsements from their websites, including my opponent.

But let me set the record straight: My opponent has been endorsed by Oregon Right to Life, has accepted over $35,000 from the Koch Brothers, Oregon Right to Life and Big Pharma in the last 13 months and sponsored several anti-abortion pieces of legislation. 

After redistricting, the Senate is likely going to lose 3 previously Democratic-held seats, bringing our majority to 16 (D) - 14 (R). If the Republicans are able to take out even one more Democrat, we will be tied, two more and we lose the Senate completely. Because I flipped a 20-year Republican-held seat two years ago, The National Republican party has put a target on my back. If they succeed in flipping this seat, that would give them the votes to send us back to the time before Oregonians had access to reproductive health care. We cannot let this happen. 

But I need your help to get our message out to voters. If you are able to volunteer your time, resources or expertise, please consider doing so and reach out to my Field Director, Gabii, at gabii@debpattersonor.org

Our team is also working hard raising money. The Senate Republicans have pledged $9 million dollars to flip the Senate. If you are able to make a donation to my campaign, you can do so here.

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