⭐️ Senator Deb Patterson Wins a Second Term ⭐️

Salem - As of 10AM on Wednesday, November 9, State Senator Deb Patterson (D, I) has won a second term as Senator for District 10 with 54% of the vote.

In her speech to her supporters, Senator Patterson thanked her endorsers, her campaign staff and volunteers and the voters of Salem, Monmouth and Independence and outlined the many successes during her first term as State Senator for District 10. 

“It has been the honor of a lifetime to serve in the State Senate. I want to thank the voters of Senate District 10 for trusting me to continue to represent them in the Capitol. I promise to continue to stand up for the values that we hold here in our community.” 

“After I was elected, I was proud to be appointed Chair of the Senate Health Care Committee, an issue that I have worked on my entire life both in Oregon and internationally. In that role, I was proud to pass legislation that put in place Oregon’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board, capped the price of insulin copays at $75/month and expanded access to health care. I joined with my fellow community leaders to secure over $35 million dollars for projects across our district including opening a homeless navigation center and helping ARCHES purchase a hotel for the chronically homeless that will serve over 2,000 people in the next five years.”

In regard to the future of Senate District 10, she said: “We have a lot of work to do in Salem, Monmouth and Independence to tackle some of the issues facing our community: tackling prescription drug and health care affordability, housing and homelessness, supporting our small businesses and working families and protecting our environment. I am looking forward to continuing to serve our community in the Capitol and work on these issues.”

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