Oregon Senate in the National News


Dear Friends, 

This week, you may have seen the CBS news article that stated that the Oregon Senate is one of two state Senate Chambers which have the potential for the majorities to flip.  This is a real possibility.  (If you haven't seen the article, I'm including it here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/republicans-state-legislature-midterms-2022/

The National Republican Party has it on their AGENDA to flip the Oregon Senate.  What would this mean for Oregon?  Rollbacks on reproductive rights, blocking sensible gun laws, siding with big businesses against smaller businesses and working families, and supporting the untruth about the Presidential election that led to extremists storming the US Capitol on January 6th.  

I'm committed to standing up for the values that the majority of our Senate District holds dear - a commitment to transparency and honesty, access to affordable healthcare, including reproductive healthcare, support for small businesses, workers, and retirees, and keeping our communities safe and great places to live.  

Will you stand with me?  I really need your support now more than ever.  If Republicans take control this November, our values will be off the table. That's why it is so important that we step up and meet this moment.

Can I count on you to keep us in the fight with a $25, $50 or $100 donation today?

If you are not able to contribute, please sign up to volunteer, and join the growing number of endorsing organizations and others who are standing with me for an Oregon that works for everyone!

NewsDeb Patterson