via Demcast: Meet the Candidate: Deb Patterson (Oregon)

Thank you to DemCast USA for publishing a candidate profile of my campaign on their website! Please share this with friends and neighbors who haven't heard about my campaign.


What office are you running for?

Oregon Senate District 10

With which party are you running for office?

Democratic Party

Election Date


Why are you running for office?

I am running for office because I believe that healthcare costs too much, and we aren’t covering everyone. Now, with so many people having lost their jobs (and their health insurance), this is needed more than ever – there are currently more than 300,000 people without insurance in just Oregon alone, and about 23 million new folks have been added to the rolls of the uninsured. I am also concerned about the economy – living wage jobs, affordable housing and childcare, and support for small businesses. We need to help students succeed with making college and vocational training programs more accessible to all. And we need climate action now.

What is the biggest issue facing your community and how do you propose helping?

We have so many people who are living without housing, and we are going to need a coordinated approach between the federal government, state, counties, and cities in the district to help address the housing and service gaps to address this issue. I want to get these stakeholders working together.

How do we fix the partisan divide in our country and start working together again?

In my line of work (congregational minister, healthcare administrator), I have worked “across the aisle” my whole life long. Talk to people – they will surprise you. We share a lot more values than we think.

Who is your hero?

Granger Westberg, a Lutheran minister who worked for his whole life to bring community-based healthcare to cities and towns around the US and around the globe. He was the founder of the organization I served as Executive Director for a decade. When I started we were in 6 countries, and 10 years later, we were in 23 countries on five continents. He is deceased now, but he certainly was my hero, and I try to emulate his passion for this work.

What are your hobbies?

I love to read, do New York Time puzzles, play the piano, compose music, and go for walks with my family.

What is the most recent book you read?

Squeezed: Why Our Families Can’t Afford America by Alissa Quart. And this book was written before the current COVID-19 pandemic and economic meltdown.

Do you have any kids/pets/talking houseplants?

I’m the Mom of two young adults, one of whom is a runner with special needs, and one of whom is a filmmaker and advocate for POC and people with disabilities.

How can our readers get involved in your campaign?

We’re looking for folks to help us phone bank and engage in digital activism, or whatever skill you’re willing to share! Email if interested.

What question do you wish we’d asked, and what is your answer?

Why are politics important at a time like this?
Politics are only important in that they should give voters the choice to elect the person with the best ability to implement smart public policy. I agree with Dr. Cornel West, who has stated that, “Justice is what love looks like in public.” And public policy is how that justice gets implemented in a democracy.

Read at DemCast [Link]

Deb PattersonCampaign